
“Practice makes perfect” they say.  I wouldn’t go as far to say “perfect”, but I do believe that practice makes you get better at what you’re practicing, along with other beneficial side effects.

I enjoy tabletop games because they’re fun to play, but over the years I’ve found out that a lot more value could be obtained from playing them: what if we could use them to enhance the skills we use (or would like to use) at work (or life in general)?

That’s were the name of this blog (Make Me Better Games) comes from: it’s about games that make you better.  Later, I realized that “Make Me Better Games” could also be understood as me wanting better games to be made, which is also true :D.  This made me like the name even more, and so I stuck with it.

I use this blog to post about tabletop games that consider “make me better” games and explain why I think so.  These “make me better” games are mostly focused on managament and soft skills.  After all, “people don’t underperform because they lack technical skills. People underperform because they lack soft skills“.

Feel free to chip in.  I hope you enjoy!

David Sanchez.